





1.   工商營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)照

Business Registration


2.   工廠生產(chǎn)設(shè)備清單

Production Equipment Types and Numbers


3.   生產(chǎn)工藝流程

Production Process Flow Chart


4.   工廠測(cè)試設(shè)備清單(如有/如:拉力計(jì)/電子磅等)

Testing equipment list (If yes / For example: Tension Gauge / Electric Balance and so on)


5.   工廠組織架構(gòu)圖,工廠簡(jiǎn)介(如有)

Factory Organization Chart, Factory Introduction (If yes).


6.   公司和/或工廠信息(如:名稱/ID/地址/聯(lián)系人/郵件地址/電話/傳真等)

Company / Factory information: vendor name and vendor code / factory name and factory code in GBI system / address / contact person / e-mail / telephone / fax


7.   質(zhì)量手冊(cè)及程序/指引或支持性文件,相關(guān)質(zhì)量記錄

Qualify manual and procedures / working instruction or supporting documents, related quality records


8.   適用于Greenbrier/Dollar Tree產(chǎn)品的最近一年內(nèi)的原材料數(shù)據(jù)清單(清單需要列出如:原材料名稱/編號(hào)/供應(yīng)商/有否測(cè)試報(bào)告/測(cè)試報(bào)告編號(hào)/總鉛含量/鎘含量/可溶性金屬含量/鄰苯二鉀酸鹽含量/批次號(hào)/圖片和其他相關(guān)信息)

Greenbrier / Dollar Tree Products Raw Material Database within one year (The database includes: Raw Material or Component Name / Raw Material or Component Number / Supplier Name / Testing Report Number (If yes) / Content of Total Lead / Content of Total Cadmium / Soluble Heavy Metal Content / Content of Phthalates / Lot Number / Photo and other related information)


9.   適用于Greenbrier/Dollar Tree產(chǎn)品的最近一年內(nèi)的產(chǎn)品物料清單(清單需要列出如:Greenbrier/Dollar Tree的SKU#/產(chǎn)品描述/原材料名稱及批次號(hào)/零部件名稱及批次號(hào)供應(yīng)商/測(cè)試報(bào)告編號(hào)/圖片和其他相關(guān)信息)

Greenbrier / Dollar Tree Products Bill of Materials within one year (The BOM includes: Greenbrier / Dollar Tree SKU Number / Product Description / Raw Material or Component Name / Lot Number / Supplier Name of raw materials or components / Testing Report Number (If yes) / Photo and other related information)


10.  來(lái)料檢驗(yàn)程序/指引及記錄文件

In-coming raw material inspection procedures / working instruction and records


11.  CPSC(美國(guó)消費(fèi)品安全委員會(huì))批準(zhǔn)的第三方實(shí)驗(yàn)室提供的原材料和產(chǎn)品測(cè)試報(bào)告(物理和化學(xué)測(cè)試報(bào)告)

Raw materials or Product Testing reports issued by a CPSC approved 3rd party lab available for main components / parts/ raw materials used on Greenbrier / Dollar Tree toys and children items (mechanical and physical hazards testing and chemical testing reports)


12.  不合格品控制程序及指引及相關(guān)記錄文件

Unqualified product control procedures / working instructions and related records


13.  先進(jìn)先出指引文件及記錄

First-in First-out (FIFO) working instructions and records


14.  高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)控制點(diǎn)指引文件及記錄

High risk manufacturing process monitoring program and records


15.  產(chǎn)前會(huì)議記錄

Pre-production meeting records


16.  適用于Greenbrier/Dollar Tree產(chǎn)品最近一年內(nèi)的原料及配件采購(gòu)單

Purchase orders of raw materials or components available for Greenbrier / Dollar Tree Products


17.  適用于Greenbrier/Dollar Tree產(chǎn)品的樣板(包括原材料和配件及成品)

Greenbrier / Dollar Tree Product Samples (Including raw material / components and production samples)


18.  工廠的分包商清單(如:名稱/地址/聯(lián)系人/郵件地址/電話/傳真等)

Subcontractor list (For example: name / address / contact person / e-mail / telephone / fax, etc.)


19.  員工關(guān)于鉛鎘鄰苯二甲酸鹽&重金屬培訓(xùn)記錄

Employee training records for Greenbrier / Dollar Tree Lead / Cadmium / Phthalates / Heavy metal content requirement


20.  其它文件(視乎審核情況所需)

Other documents, subject to actual circumstances during the audit











版權(quán)所有:東莞市華協(xié)企業(yè)管理有限公司 訪問(wèn)量: [百度統(tǒng)計(jì)]
技術(shù)支持:東莞網(wǎng)站建設(shè) [BMAP GMAP] [后臺(tái)管理]